WIP Intern Spotlight- Caroline Davis
Jacksonville, Florida
Business Administration, Sustainability Studies, Spanish Minor
Where are you interning?
University of Florida Federal Relations Office
Can you describe your tasks and the work completed over the course of the internship?
My role is to track federal science and technology policy with a focus on artificial intelligence, environmental sustainability, and climate. To accomplish this, I attend relevant congressional hearings and think tank panel discussions and write reports for UFFR. I advocate for the University of Florida by maintaining a keen awareness of UF's interests and goals so that I can determine the most relevant information to include in my reports and identify development opportunities for UF.
How has this experience influenced your future career plan?
My experience as an intern at UFFR has grown my appreciation for democracy, my interest in and understanding of technology, especially artificial intelligence, and my desire to stay civically engaged. I've gained a new awareness of organizations that I would like to work for in the future and learned that I am drawn to globally minded, interdisciplinary, purpose-driven organizations.
What have you enjoyed most about your experience?
I have enjoyed exploring Washington, D.C. and becoming connected to the local community. I love the green parks, beautiful flowers, diverse hardworking people, and the history represented in museums, monuments, and libraries. I would be grateful to return.