Win Phillips Town Gown Relations Award

About the Award

The Win Phillips Town Gown Relations Award was established in 2022 to celebrate the connections between the University of Florida and the Greater Gainesville area and highlight the achievements of those who collaborate for the mutual benefit of the campus and community.

Nominations are welcome for individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions in strengthening relationships between the university and the community, regardless if they were representing the town or the gown. 

Categories for nominations (Not all categories may be recognized each year):

  • Government – agency or official
  • Community member
  • Business/Nonprofit
  • UF Faculty/Staff
  • Partnership initiative – between UF and external entity
  • Innovation Award
  • Legacy award – lifetime achievement


Nominations are welcome annually between October 1 and November 1.  Self-nominations will be accepted.

About Dr. Win Phillips

Dr. Phillips spent 35 years building and maintaining the University of Florida’s relationships with local governments and businesses. He created the path that transforms UF research into successful business ventures.  This continues to spur economic development in Gainesville and is responsible for the impactful Innovation District. In 2014, he was presented “The Guy Who Made It All Happen” award at the UF Technology Showcase to mark his game-changing creation of the UF technology licensing program and the development of what is now UF Innovate and the larger community-based Innovation District. It was noted that his work helped bridge the gap between UF and the business community and that the technology innovation focus in our community would not have happened without him. In addition, Dr. Phillips was honored with the Legacy Award by the Greater Gainesville Chamber of Commerce for his many years of service in multiple roles with that organization.